RKRC-LOOP + Perfect 10
What is it?
The RKRC-Loop + Perfect 10 is a new model. It is a higher-order of thinking and acting.
RKRC-Loop = Respect, Knowledge, Responsibility and Care and their attributes.
Perfect 10= the 10 positive actions that compose Care through which love becomes manifest.
This is the move toward educated love and how it works!
This is a brand new, one-of-a-kind, decision making method and system. It is based on decades of vigorous exploration and vast research targeting mutually beneficial human interaction or, how do we go about loving one another? The result is the profound discovery of the new Science of Love. (see “Behind the Story” for more information)
The RKRC-Loop+ Perfect 10© is now included in the Gimpy’s Secret: Highlighted Collection
available for immediate download here.